Thursday, January 04, 2007

multivitamin not a good decision

I said I would take a multi vitamin supplement for one bottle's worth and then take stock. Well, I did not finish the bottle, I left the last half dozen in the bottle and I do not plan to buy a new bottle. Why?

I believe my digestive health was upset by taking the supplement. I have stopped and with in a week I felt better. Also, I hoped the number and length of time I suffered from colds, bugs, viruses would be less but since the end of November it's been one bug after the other and now I seem to be going from one cold to the next. The question is, maybe if I had not taken the supplements then the colds etc would have been more accute?

I was telling one of my friends who runs a gene testing business, about my supplement experience and he was unsurprised by my experience. He said my thinking was too simplistic to think an 'average' supplement would be overall beneficial. My body may be real efficient at creating all the good stuff it requires and by overloading the goodness then it knocks thinks out of balance, or it may just be that one area is where the benefits could be gained. How do I find that out? Well, I expect some tests would give measurable feedback or I can use trail and error with my life. However, this take times, life is real time.

However, I am not the only person thinking and trying these supplements. If I could correlate myself to them then I may be able to find that right supplement in a short time period, avoid clear down sides and get long term benefits?

Also, it must be possible to see patterns when my number of colds are increasing. Last year there were quite a few, the year before I can maybe recall one. Is that just random or is the cause and effect results of the choices I may in 2005 and 2006?

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