Thursday, September 07, 2006

extreme hiking feedback to trainer manufacturer

Two weeks post my 22 mile hike and I am wondering why my trainer manufacturing is not asking me for feedback on how they performed? I would be willing to email them a picture of my feet so show where the blisters appeared and if they new model could improve the design so reduce this wear point then I would be more likely to purchase from the same manufacturer.

I have also been left with a bruzed big toe nail. I have had this in the past wearing my hiking boots. Why is that happening? Not lasing my shoes/trainer to tight, too slack or too long or short a size. I know it happen when walking down hill. Maybe its my walking/running technique?

I am sure the world has the answers to these questions, and of course I will be happy to pay for the information that addresses my pain? I find it hard the manufacturers and or the retailer etcs and not listening to me or evening asking me the question, I am asking, why is no one listening?

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